Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Morning @ the Carmel Library

It has been awhile since Emily and I have been to the library. Our summer has been busy and with me babysitting a few days a week, somewhere I have lost time and have been neglecting to do a few things that we always enjoyed doing during the colder months. I bet we haven't been since the beginning of spring.
It was like a whole new experience for Emily. She loved picking out her own books for me to read to her. When she was over that...we put together a few puzzles, played with the puppets and Little People set. After all of that, I let her pick out 2 music CD's to share with her friends for our "Dance Party" when they are over and she picked out 3 DVD's for our tv time (while I am preparing lunch). I couldn't believe that she actually found a Backyardigans movie that she doesn't already have! It was such a nice experience that I am registering her to start a 3 week Shake, Rattle, and Read storytime session on Wednesdays starting October 8th. I think it will be more fun this time since she is a little older.
Well off ......to the grocery and other errands!!

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