Friday, February 20, 2009

A Parents Worst Fear..Come True

If you have a teenager or will have a teenager soon..than you know what I am talking about! Letting them go in a car and worrying that they will have a wreck.

Matthew has been driving for awhile now but today he made one of our worst fears a reality. It definitely could have been worse...but it still validates your fears that young drivers can be dangerous and anything can happen. We are VERY grateful that neither of the three kids involved in the 3 car crash weren't hurt. It happened right in front of the school parking they were probably only going about 25-30 miles per hour. Matthew's car was the one in the middle so it got the worst of the damage. He knows that he is lucky but he is still bummed about his car since its not even currently drivable. We'll know more next week what exactly the damage is but we did get home on our property. I think he is also a little bummed that this long live family car has been wrecked. It was my step-mom's first new car 12 years ago and she had taken great care of it before selling it to Matthew...but they raised 3 boys, they new this could be a possibility......
Thank you Angels in heaven for looking out for our kids yesterday!!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

So glad that Matthew was ok!!!