Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More Window Nature Shots

Can you see the Cardinal on top?

Today after not having any kids here to play in a week because of Emily's illness...Mr. Squirrel decided to come back. Fallyn and Bella were here to join in the window fun. They like watching the birds take baths, the squirrel eating, and Emily's favorite bird the cardinal just happened to be sitting on top of the shepards hook at the same time Mr. Squirrel was eating. Oooh..the things we do in the Winter to stay occupied! Thank you Daddy for the has been fun to watch! Keep in mind my pics aren't that great because the screen is in the window......
Who would've thought as well as Emily acted today with her girlfriends that she would start feeling so bad again almost immediately after Bella left. Poor baby went from strep throat to having an ear infection within days of being off the antibiotics!

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