Saturday, February 21, 2009

Emily Gets New Earrings

Pretty Ladybugs

Pretty Butterflies

Here is a pic of the day that she had them done...awwww!

Emily has had her starter earrings in since her exact 8 month Birthday (February 20, 2007). I wasn't looking to forward in taking them out because they are hard to get off. Emily decided that she wanted to put in the ladybug earrings that Mamaw bought her at Brighton this past December when they were there Christmas shopping for Me, Shannon, and Aunt Patty.

Mamaw just happened to be coming over today to take her for ice cream since she is leaving in the morning for Florida. I left it up to her and Daddy to get them out and put in the new ones. She did great...but the posts on the Brighton earrings were too long. So along with ice cream today she also got a few new earrings (more her size) at Claire's while they were out! We'll still save the pretty ladybugs for later. Thanks Mamaw Fleta!!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

So cool, Emily!!!
The pic of you when you were little is too cute! Bella had that same outfit!