Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Mike and I celebrated Valentine's Day this evening instead of going out to dinner tomorrow. Emily went over to her Aunt Kim's for a few hours after MDO while we ate dinner at The Outback Steakhouse. I also decided that since we are officially celebrating today that we might as well exchange our gifts too!

She was totally excited to see that she got a carseat and new outfit for baby Ella. It almost seemed like Christmas once I put her package together because I forgot that I had bought her a heart nightgown and princess camera. I also found some cool Princess & Dora play shoes today on clearance for $1-2 dollars that I put in the bag. It was topped off with The Charlie Brown Valentine's Day dvd and some carmel popcorn drizzled in chocolate for movie night tomorrow.

We had a great Valentine's Day!!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

Lots of loot for everyone! Looks like it was goog night!