Monday, February 23, 2009

No More Pack and Plays...

Its official...Now Bella and Fallyn both are sleeping like big girls here. No more pack and plays here at all! Colton has been sleeping on the flip-out kids couch for a very long time because he refused to sleep in another room away from me.
Bella layed down in my room in her bag today just like she had always been sleeping in it there! Go figure..I thought there might be some transitioning issues and there wasn't with either one of them! I'll have to snap a pic of Fallyn sleeping in hers too next time she is dawned on me that I didn't have her pic on the blog yet and she has been sleeping in hers for awhile now.

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

What a big girl!!! I am glad there are no issues with her transition!!! I hope to her big girl bed is just as easy!
Thanks for the pictures and all your loving and wonderful care!!!