Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our Little Ballerina....

Look at her feet!.. and she can walk around like that!

Lately Emily has been walking around on her toes like a ballerina and singing tip-toe-tip-toe-tip-toe (from The Wonder Pets-Nutcracker) making us laugh. It hurts my feet just to watch her. I think I will definately be putting her in ballet this summer when she turns three. Maybe she can follow in Mamaw Fleta's footsteps and enjoy taking dance.
I just happened across these pajamas tonight and thought they would be perfect for her "special" pajamas in hopes to excite her about bedtime tonight since that has become her new frightful stage.........and our new toddler challenge!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Max and The Moose

Today we met some friends at the Monon Center to listen to Max and The Moose. Emily was a little unsure of the "moose"...but she relaxed a little once she realized he was a puppet. Poor thing was almost ready to give up hanging out with Bella, Kalie, and Colton because of her fear of people in costumes.
I am glad we went. It was a nice time. We followed it up with an early lunch with everyone at The Mellow Mushroom.......Looking forward to doing a concert again next month!

Monday, February 23, 2009

No More Pack and Plays...

Its official...Now Bella and Fallyn both are sleeping like big girls here. No more pack and plays here at all! Colton has been sleeping on the flip-out kids couch for a very long time because he refused to sleep in another room away from me.
Bella layed down in my room in her bag today just like she had always been sleeping in it there! Go figure..I thought there might be some transitioning issues and there wasn't with either one of them! I'll have to snap a pic of Fallyn sleeping in hers too next time she is dawned on me that I didn't have her pic on the blog yet and she has been sleeping in hers for awhile now.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Emily Gets New Earrings

Pretty Ladybugs

Pretty Butterflies

Here is a pic of the day that she had them done...awwww!

Emily has had her starter earrings in since her exact 8 month Birthday (February 20, 2007). I wasn't looking to forward in taking them out because they are hard to get off. Emily decided that she wanted to put in the ladybug earrings that Mamaw bought her at Brighton this past December when they were there Christmas shopping for Me, Shannon, and Aunt Patty.

Mamaw just happened to be coming over today to take her for ice cream since she is leaving in the morning for Florida. I left it up to her and Daddy to get them out and put in the new ones. She did great...but the posts on the Brighton earrings were too long. So along with ice cream today she also got a few new earrings (more her size) at Claire's while they were out! We'll still save the pretty ladybugs for later. Thanks Mamaw Fleta!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

A Parents Worst Fear..Come True

If you have a teenager or will have a teenager soon..than you know what I am talking about! Letting them go in a car and worrying that they will have a wreck.

Matthew has been driving for awhile now but today he made one of our worst fears a reality. It definitely could have been worse...but it still validates your fears that young drivers can be dangerous and anything can happen. We are VERY grateful that neither of the three kids involved in the 3 car crash weren't hurt. It happened right in front of the school parking they were probably only going about 25-30 miles per hour. Matthew's car was the one in the middle so it got the worst of the damage. He knows that he is lucky but he is still bummed about his car since its not even currently drivable. We'll know more next week what exactly the damage is but we did get home on our property. I think he is also a little bummed that this long live family car has been wrecked. It was my step-mom's first new car 12 years ago and she had taken great care of it before selling it to Matthew...but they raised 3 boys, they new this could be a possibility......
Thank you Angels in heaven for looking out for our kids yesterday!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Papaw Jeff

We celebrated Papaw Jeff's birthday up at their house today for lunch before the Daytona Race started. We had yummy Subway platters and plenty of snacks..along with cupcakes! Emily got Dallas and Makenzie to play with her and the blocks. What good sports!

Happy Birthday Jeff..We Love You!!!!
p.s. Go..... Jeff Gordon! Ha, Ha!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Continues

There were a few other special surprises on the actual Valentine's Day.......
While I went to my Weight Watchers meeting at 9:00 a.m.......Emily and Mike washed up the breakfast dishes and Stephanie picked up all of the toys that were still on the floor from the previous evening. This was Emily's first time helping with the dishes. Mike said she had a blast. What a nice surprise forMommy!
Then Emily received a special package in the mail finally today(ordered almost 3 weeks ago). It was Jon & Kate plus 8 season 3. Yeah!!!!
Finally..the last surprise was that I went to Papa Murphey's and bought heart shaped pizzas for dinner and we had popcorn and watched some of our new movies........What a nice relaxing day at home!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Mike and I celebrated Valentine's Day this evening instead of going out to dinner tomorrow. Emily went over to her Aunt Kim's for a few hours after MDO while we ate dinner at The Outback Steakhouse. I also decided that since we are officially celebrating today that we might as well exchange our gifts too!

She was totally excited to see that she got a carseat and new outfit for baby Ella. It almost seemed like Christmas once I put her package together because I forgot that I had bought her a heart nightgown and princess camera. I also found some cool Princess & Dora play shoes today on clearance for $1-2 dollars that I put in the bag. It was topped off with The Charlie Brown Valentine's Day dvd and some carmel popcorn drizzled in chocolate for movie night tomorrow.

We had a great Valentine's Day!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

To Allison (Momma)- Love Izabella

I thought this picture was too cute.......although I should've put Momma instead of Mommy. LOL

Sorry you forgot your camera. I hope some of these pics will do. Thanks a bunch for the cookies and bubblewands. They loved them!!

Friends Forever

They may sometimes fight like sisters here since they spend so much time together but all in all they love each other. I have no doubt that they will be great friends forever. As they have gotten older it is neat watching them "take care" of each other and become great friends. One of the best decisions I ever made for Emily was to start babysitting. She has made some awesome friends...and I too feel that I have !!

Sweet Treats Day

Today we celebrated Valentine's Day with Bella and Colton. Everyone exchanged cool Valentine's and Allison and Bella made cookies for everyone as a special snack. I also helped them make white chocolate strawberries in the morning to have as a special treat at lunch after they sat awhile and hardened up. Of course, it wouldn't be any fun to make them and not eat some of them at the same time!!

I love Valentine's Day...its just an extra day in the year to tell/show those that you love how you feel about them. I have especially loved watching all of these little kiddos grow up the past year and a half!

p.s. Fallyn..we saved your treats for you to get on Monday!!xoxo

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dirty Little Snowman......

Tonight after Tim picked up Bella...Mike and Emily went outside to pick up sticks that were all over the yard after the snow melted away. It was about 60 degrees still at imagine my surprise when Mike came in with the camera having these pics on it!!
Emily was playing in the (little bit) of dirty snow that was still outside. She put on her dads work gloves and he helped her build a dirty little snowman. Poor baby didn't get to play in the snow like the rest of the kids this year, so I guess she was determined to do so no matter what it looked like!! Maybe well get some more clean snow Emily and we can take your tags off your snow pants! LOL

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More Window Nature Shots

Can you see the Cardinal on top?

Today after not having any kids here to play in a week because of Emily's illness...Mr. Squirrel decided to come back. Fallyn and Bella were here to join in the window fun. They like watching the birds take baths, the squirrel eating, and Emily's favorite bird the cardinal just happened to be sitting on top of the shepards hook at the same time Mr. Squirrel was eating. Oooh..the things we do in the Winter to stay occupied! Thank you Daddy for the has been fun to watch! Keep in mind my pics aren't that great because the screen is in the window......
Who would've thought as well as Emily acted today with her girlfriends that she would start feeling so bad again almost immediately after Bella left. Poor baby went from strep throat to having an ear infection within days of being off the antibiotics!