Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wine & Canvas

The Finished Product.....

Found a good spot at the end of my hallway for it!

Well before we knew the weather was going to hit the way it did, Nikki & I had planned a girls night out to use our Living Social coupons for Wine & Canvas. Unfortunately, the weather keep her from getting to come to the Northside to do it because my brother was out plowing and she couldn't really leave the boys behind by themselves. Plus my brother probably wasn't to keen on her getting out on the roads by herself with him out. Wine & Canvas had a strict policy that no cancellations before 48 hours and they did not budge with me. If we didn't show for our reservations we would lose both coupons :( Luckily I was finally able to find someone on the Northside interested in going! My cousin Jolie. We very rarely get together without our 4 year old girls, so this was a great idea....and we had a GREAT time! I couldn't have asked for a better Girls Night Out! I would SOOOO do this again and might very soon even if it will be full price! This was a sold out night and we barely got to sit together. Next time we will be arriving a little earlier!
I found a great place at the end of my hallway that needed some color and I was more than ready to get rid of the black & white stone clock that I had for over twenty years. I spent $18 at Hobby Lobby the next day on flowers...and look :)

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