Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Emily!!

Lots of surprises for both of us! Emily even got a diamond ring! LOL

Meet Nora!!

Soooo excited to have a twin American Girl

Flowers & treats from Papaw Mike

Sprite shots & chocolate...hmmm...not the typical allowed menu!

Goodnight Girls!

After the Milbee girls were picked up Emily went over to her Mamaw & Papaw Maxwell's while Mommy & Daddy headed out for some Hibachi dinner & Sushi. But before we left we had to share a little love in gifts. Emily was super excited to see that she was the new proud owner of her own American girl twin. She named her after her favorite babygirl Nora. That was no surprise to me. I was a little nervous that she would be bummed about not having the other twin but she wasn't at all upset about finding out that he will be residing with Charlie Ranek soon when his new sibling is born. She actually thought that was pretty cool! Nora came with some jammies ($4 from wal-mart), a diamond ring sucker, new coloring books, Toy story Book, and new Toy Story Game ( Buckaroo), and very minimal candy. Good thing because Papaw had a nice big chocolate treat waiting for her and her own flowers when she got there. Happy Valentines to you Emily!!! We Love You!

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