Thursday, February 3, 2011

Iced In, Snowed In, and Sick!

Catching up on all the Zzzzzz's

Kenzie built the girls fort's to sleep under :)

This was taken at my Mom's house

I don't even know how to begin with the rest of the week after the Pacer game. Lets storm (2 of them), stomach flu, and snow. I think that pretty much sums up a lousy being stuck inside week! When we went to bed Tuesday we thought that all we had to worry about was losing power. To our surprise we were awoke @ 3 a.m. to a screaming Four year old with stomach pain and then vomiting. That proceeded every hour and a half for six hours before I remembered that I had some zofran disovable pills that they gave her lastyear at the ER to stop the vomiting. So...after the last vomiting episode at 9:00 a.m. I gave her one and that did the trick! She continued to stay no appetite, weak, and did get a low grade fever but after about the 24 hour mark...she started getting better. I have no idea what might have happened without those pills but definitely thankful we had them considering what happened to her lastyear. So then by the end of the week on Friday Mom was stir-crazy and we had Kenzie over to sit with Emily so we could go play couples euchre on Friday night. Until to my surprise my hubby came home an hour before we were going to leave sick too! No worries he hibernated in our room and the girls played games, built forts, and caught up with much needed sleep and Momma found a new partner and still went. By this time we were getting a bunch of snow! Go figure and I had to drive to Straw Town!

Thanks Kenzie for always helping me out when you can! You are so good with Emily and she adores you! We love you!

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