Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trunk or Treat

Plenty of cute costumes

This years favorite Halloween candy...Strawberry nerds

This year Trunk or Treat was actually held on Halloween. This was our 3rd year participating at the church and I swear I think every year there is more people. We have a tendency to run out of candy..and we buy alot! So you can only imagine how much Emily gets from going car to car. They didnt have indoor activities this year so everyone that had plans for the evening could hurry along to do them. It was fun and we were glad Mamaw was also able to make it out and spend a little bit of time with us on Halloween since we weren't going to be able to see her tonight. Unfortunately, our time was cut a little short after we were done because my babygirl fell flat on her face from falling off the back of the car :( The worst part about it was that she had her hands in her pockets because they were cold and she couldn't even catch herself. Thankfully, no real damage and her face was okay! PHEW!
This is definitely a tradition that we will continue doing for as long as Emily is interested....

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