Saturday, October 2, 2010

Olivia Goes to Venice

Today was a dreary, cold, and rainy day outside. Perfect for us to stay in and get a jump start on some housecleaning so I can put out Halloween decorations tomorrow. Daddy was also wanting to work on the spare room toyroom. But Allison gave us the heads up about this Olivia event going on around the corner at Borders bookstore promoting her new book that just came out... "Olivia Goes to Venice". So Daddy took a little break and packed Emily up and took her to enjoy it. Then they even went out for lunch before coming home. She had a great time out alone with her Daddy and really enjoyed the event while Mommy stayed in and got some floors mopped. She came home with Olivia's Haunted Hotel book, small stuffy, poster, stickers, coloring sheets, etc. Too fun!

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