Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kings Island Night

We all had to get a Hoodie just to match! LOL

Everyone played this game in our group..and Emily won to their amazement! Funny!

Her prize..won all by herself at skeeball!

This actually turned out to not be Emily's favorite part of the day. I didnt get many pics because she was just too nervous about all of the creatures lurking around the park and I have never seen a place completely fogged out. We personally thought it was cool and so did the teenagers but it was definitely not for Emily's age group after hours. They warned us at the park but we didnt believe them. The park closed at 1:00 a.m. but we checked out at 10:30 because she had all that she could take. That's okay Momma was tired by then anyway and we had already had a blast!

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