Friday, August 13, 2010

Night Out Pubbing!!

You wish girls!

Donna's friend Mike even drove up from the southside

Donna & Kim toasting the last drink of the night!

Matthew here and ready to take us home!

HaHaHa! Time to get out of the car!

Some friends that Donna knows plays in a band named "Blonde Sonja". They occasionally play up here at a few northside locations. So lets just say that she coaxed us out of our shell and we all went out. They were playing outside at the The Moondog Tavern so that was our first stop. We ate dinner there and listened to the band until they were done. Thanks to our (almost) 21 year old son...he came back over and drove us to the next location around the corner to Nippers. They were doing Karaoke so we hung out for awhile there. Finally as our fun evening of "Pubbing or Bar Hopping" came to an end (since my hubby looked like he needed to be taken home) because he cant hang with the girls! Matthew drove us all home safe and sound. Big Thanks to our kid for chauffeuring his parents and friends around tonight so we can have some adult fun while all 3 of our girls were at our home safe and sound. We had a slumber party (because everyone stayed with us) and biscuits and gravy for breakfast for all in the morning!
I was super excited that not only were we able to get Mike's sister out of her house and come with us but my highschool best friend also drove over from Plainfield to meet up with us :) Great night with friends..but 4:00 a.m. out probably wont happen for these old folks (Mike & I) again for awhile!

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