Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Heading Out to the Fair!

Hands up to go backwards! LOL

Pigs Ear not elephant ear..hahaha!

We finally decided to head on over to the Fair today since it was the less humid day of all so far in the forecast. Not that its really saying much because I thought it was still hot...but not like it was all of the other days since it has started. Today is $2.00 Tuesday. Basically that means that all rides take one ticket today and they are $2.00 a ticket. Along with that...most of the food vendors had $2.00 "sampler" sizes of one special item at their stand. For example..we had $2.00 small lemonade shake-ups, small corndogs, and Emily had a pigs ear instead of an elephant ear! That was a perfect size of ear for her! I really enjoyed this concept because we felt like we got to have a taste of more things this way in smaller and cheaper portions.
Of course my daughter didn't want to ride the "little" kids rides..she wanted to ride the big ones! Unfortunately, she just isn't tall enough to do many even with her Dad riding. She was really bummed that she couldn't get on the log ride :( But she did enjoy the ones she rode on!

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