Sunday, August 8, 2010

Down's Pool Party

Emily & Kalie

Cathy & Uncle Jerry

Sophia, Kalie, & Emily (Three Musketeers)

Emily & her Papaw

Me & Aunt Brenda

Pool Fun

Jerry & Richie watching Paula open her Bday gifts

They even got Papaw in the water :)

My Uncle Jerry has been battling esophageal cancer for some time now. He has actually been having some decent days recently and decided that he really wanted to have a family/ friends pool party at their neighborhood pool. It just also happened to be good timing for my Aunt Paula's Birthday. So we celebrated that too! There was a fish fry and everyone else brought tons of sides and desserts. It was a great family day and great memories for the Down's Family and all of the rest of us!
You guys are always in our prayers!

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