Sunday, August 22, 2010

Monon Center Outdoor Waterpark

Showing Daddy some things she learned in swimming class

Got to do the lazy river while your here..

I was glad that this is what Emily chose to do today since we never made it over here this Summer. Actually we didn't even make it last Summer :( But...we finally did and we all had a blast! We spent over 4 hours here today and had beautiful weather. Emily was also excited to see the snack bar had lots of yummy snacks! She indulged in a pretzel with cheese and cotton candy dippin dots. She wasn't to sure at first about the lazy river when she went with just Dad...but when I went with them the second time she seemed to like it more that time. No big slides but she did finally start going down the one in the toddler section without us holding her hand.
After a fun day..we headed home to make homemade pizzas and have the Flying Cupcakes :) Greta Family Day! Happy Birthday Daddy!

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