Monday, August 30, 2010

Garden "Pickers"

The girls are always happy to go into the garden for Mike when he gets home and do the "picking" for him!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Museum Trip with Bella

It's a Barbie World!!

My Barbie doll!!

Aren't they too cute?

She loves her some sand!!

What a great day!

Emily was able to tag along with Allison and Bella last Wednesday to the Museum. They LOVE Barbie stuff now, so Allison wanted to take them back to check out the Barbie stuff at The Museum since it has been awhile again since they last went. Thank you Allison for taking Emily...she loved spending the day with you guys :)

Kidtoons Feature Movies

Heading out with Strawberry Shortcake to her feature film..LOL

This months Kidtoons feature was Strawberry Shortcake's Glimmerberry Ball. Since she has become one of Emily's new favs we decided to head over and catch this months flick while daddy was out at the motorcycle stuff all weekend. Its unfortunate that the only movie theater in our city that participates in this on the westside (Georgetown Cinemas). But it really is a cute deal and we went several times last year in the cold weather months when there was nothing else to do (if we liked the movie playing). Basically they play one movie all month on Saturday & Sunday at 1:00. For $3.50 a person you get a movie ticket, small drink, and small popcorn. She really enjoyed it and ironically had never even seen a Strawberry Shortcake Movie. Next month is actually a Barbie Feature, so we may take a Sunday drive and check that one out too!
FYI- I also loved that it was only a 75 minute movie...perfect for this age group!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Coster Boys are Leaving :(

All good things must come to an end :( As preschool is approaching it has caused a little bit of an uproaor for all of our schedules. Trying to find the best ways to have them in school and still spend time with them on the off days . Not to mention for Heather it will be a drag getting both boys out in the winter months as early as she already has to leave it will only get worse. So with all of that being said...she found a lovely retired woman to come to her house and watch the boys. That change is scarey for her but would really be easier for her and the boys and Colton's preschool days could change with that sitter able to drive him he wouldnt have to go on Heathers day off and be gone from her another day.
I have had Colton since he was 5 months old ( with the exception of 6 months) and then Dylan since he was 3 months. It has been a pleasure watching them grow and hopefully we can all still keep in touch. Today was the last summer day that I had "all" of our group together one last time before the boys leave on the 9th and our kids head back to school, so I gabbed a few group shots. Good-bye Boys...we will miss you around here!
I worry about Emily because she is already fretting over their "last day"! Sad.....but she will be ok!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lunch @ Serenity in Zionsville

Yummy looking kids plate w/cupcake & cookies too!

Although she didnt like the lemonade! LOL

Show off...

We had a family cook-out for my Mom's Birthday before she left for Sturgis but I had been wanting to take her to Serenity Tea House in Zionsville for some time. So when she got back we set up the date and headed out for a nice girls lunch and some shopping in the shops. It was another lovely weather day perfect for eating outside and walking around! Great late Birthday afternoon! Happy Birthday Mom...we love you!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Monon Center Outdoor Waterpark

Showing Daddy some things she learned in swimming class

Got to do the lazy river while your here..

I was glad that this is what Emily chose to do today since we never made it over here this Summer. Actually we didn't even make it last Summer :( But...we finally did and we all had a blast! We spent over 4 hours here today and had beautiful weather. Emily was also excited to see the snack bar had lots of yummy snacks! She indulged in a pretzel with cheese and cotton candy dippin dots. She wasn't to sure at first about the lazy river when she went with just Dad...but when I went with them the second time she seemed to like it more that time. No big slides but she did finally start going down the one in the toddler section without us holding her hand.
After a fun day..we headed home to make homemade pizzas and have the Flying Cupcakes :) Greta Family Day! Happy Birthday Daddy!

Daddy's "Family" Birthday Celebration

Flying Cupcake.....

Our little daughter was feeling a little left out since all the adults celebrated my hubby's birthday last weekend "pubbing" and then he and I went to dinner/ and a movie during an overnight without her. make up for it, we spent Sunday celebrating Daddy's birthday with her. We opened gifts and then headed to Flying Cupcake to pick up dessert for later. We let her pick what she wanted to do with Daddy and she picked the Monon Waterpark. we went...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mommy's New Hat

I really have no idea exactly why I decided to buy a hat at the Fair but I did. So when we got home that night..Emily and I decided to play around with it and took pictures of each other goofing around! I love this time with my daughter while at this age she just thinks I am the coolest thing on this earth! LOL I know in a few years she wont have that opinion of me as she approaches her tween years :( But hey... I still have awhile for that!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Little Hands on Center at the Fair

She said.."look Mom a brown organic egg like ours at home" LOL

Gardening is her favorite part!

Second best to my surprise was milking the cow!

This area is sponsered by Riley Childrens Hospital and was Emily's favorite part of the Fair lastyear. Of course, she had forgotten all about it until we showed her and I have to say it was the most enjoyable part to me too! I really enjoyed watching her pretend to be on a farm and learn how to trade her crops for a special dollar at the end and buy herself a treat! Great memories are being made at the fair!