Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve with the Gamble's

Our candycane ice cream cake from Baskin & Robbins

Sooo excited to get her Mickey that does the Hot Dog dance

Ha,Ha I won the game! Kim bought her Hi Ho Cherry O

I look totally exhausted by now...because I was!

On Christmas Eve I cook dinner for Mike's side of the family. We had a ham, baked mac & cheese, dressing, deviled eggs, & sweet potatoes. We have bought an ice cream cake ever since Emily's 1st Christmas...but this year since she is understanding what Christmas is really all about, we put Happy Birthday Jesus on it and will from this day forward.

After dinner we exchanged gifts and Emily was glad to see that she got her Mickey Mouse that does the Hot dog dance. Along with many other things she also got a few games that she was super excited to play. Kim loves it when she brings her match game over when she stays, so now she has a few more things to bring when she visits with them. We had a very nice evening but we never forget the 2 people that we are now missing from our family that used to once be at this gathering. Merry Christmas Papaw Lou & Uncle Jack!

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