Saturday, December 19, 2009

Annual Fudge Night

Breaking up the chocolate bar

Stir , stir, stir....

Now its time for peanut butter fudge

The best part of being finished...

For now she loves cleaning up...hopefully she always will :-)

Every year Mike has a full day of making at least 4 trays of fudge. Dark chocolate and peanut butter. It was always a family tradition on his Mom's side of the family to spend a weekend baking over his Grandma Nina's before Christmas. He decided a long time ago to carry that tradition over to his kids because he remembered how fun it always was!
Sometimes his Mom & sister make it up to our house and help out and other years its just him and the kids. For many years it was just him & Matthew but now that Emily has come along, she has happily taken over the reigns in helping...

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