Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Brunch

Nice Nikki...paybacks :-)

Mommy & Emily
Me, Jason, & Mom

Look at my little stinker giving rabbit ears...

Wow...Mike isn't talking...LOL

Time for gifts...

Grandma didn't forget my Strawberry Shortcake doll!

We had our annual brunch @ Mom & Jeff's around 1:00 with that side of my family. I love it! Biscuits & gravy, french toast casserole, scrambled eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, potato & ham casserole, etc. We look forward to that spread all year. Of course, its always a great time visiting with my siblings and hearing what all their kids got from Santa. Not to mention...we always get spoiled by Mom & Jeff! They know how to do Christmas!!! Thanks for the memories & (the gifts)...we love you!

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