Saturday, October 31, 2009

Carving our "Big" Pumpkin

Digging right in!

Loving the gooey stuff!

Daddy trying to decide what kind of quickie face to put on him!

Emily doing her little pumpkin with halloween stickers and paint markers

Yummy....dont worry she only licked the knife after we were done! LOL

I could not believe how much Emily enjoyed getting the gooey stuff out of the pumpkin. They even made a bowl of seeds for me to clean and bake. Mike literally scraped the pumpkin and she dug right in to get the stuff out. She was sooo into it that we had to take her shirt off her! We didnt start the pumpkin until late so Mike really didn't have time to do one of his pumpkin master carving creations....but they had fun putting a quickie face on him anyway! We were sad that with Mike having the flu, Stephanie having strep throat, and then Emily getting a virus...we didnt get to have our Annual Gamble pumpkin carving night. We did miss Kim & Stephanie this year. But I am happy to announce that even though our Halloween wasn't how we planned it to be, I think Emily had fun anyway. We tried!

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