Thursday, October 29, 2009


Mom and I took Emily to the ZooBoo this year. This was our first time going since the previous years it was crappy weather on the days that we could go. As you can tell the weather was very nice! Unfortunately, even though Emily is having a great time running around playing, eating her cheese popcorn, and just plain being silly....we had a different story on the way home and from that moment foward for the rest of the weekend :-(
She started not feeling well in the car and vomited all of the lovely orange popcorn everywhere in the backseat and complaining of a headache. By the time we got home she had a lowgrade fever of 100.2 and the starts of a very active productive cough. That was the beginning of a long next couple of days with a nasty little cold virus. least I can say that she had a good time at ZooBoo and so did we!

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