Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

One of our neighbors wasn't home...but she left candy out for the kiddos!

Daddy and Emily gazing at the Full Moon

Emily loved passing out the candy!

Emily had been fever free for 18 hours....until 6:00 p.m. tonight. She had another low grade one and seemed a little quiet until a dose of motrin. We stayed home and skipped Olivia's 11th birthday bonfire halloween party. It turned out to be okay though. Within 45 minutes of motrin, Emily acted fine and both sets of my parents stopped in to give her a special treat bag. She really didn't need anything more than that with all they had already given her but we did take her to the 4 houses on our court. She really enjoyed passing out the candy to the trick or treaters. I dont think she minded a bit staying in! Papaw Mike & Mamaw Cathy were in and out so fast..we didn't get any pics with them. They had to head down south to Olivia's with the pasta salad.

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