Saturday, October 31, 2009

Carving our "Big" Pumpkin

Digging right in!

Loving the gooey stuff!

Daddy trying to decide what kind of quickie face to put on him!

Emily doing her little pumpkin with halloween stickers and paint markers

Yummy....dont worry she only licked the knife after we were done! LOL

I could not believe how much Emily enjoyed getting the gooey stuff out of the pumpkin. They even made a bowl of seeds for me to clean and bake. Mike literally scraped the pumpkin and she dug right in to get the stuff out. She was sooo into it that we had to take her shirt off her! We didnt start the pumpkin until late so Mike really didn't have time to do one of his pumpkin master carving creations....but they had fun putting a quickie face on him anyway! We were sad that with Mike having the flu, Stephanie having strep throat, and then Emily getting a virus...we didnt get to have our Annual Gamble pumpkin carving night. We did miss Kim & Stephanie this year. But I am happy to announce that even though our Halloween wasn't how we planned it to be, I think Emily had fun anyway. We tried!

Halloween Visitors

Not too sick for chocolate!

Checking out the loot..candy, sippy cup, playdoh, etc

Coloring in her new Mickey Halloween coloring book

Emily very much enjoyed her visitors and treat bags this evening. After everyone left we decided to order pizza and make some lemon cookies shaped like moons with bats on them. Around 9:00 Daddy and Emily opened up the big pumpkin and cleaned him to follow!
Thanks Mom, Jeff, Dad, and Cathy for making Emily's evening special anyway!

Trick or Treat!

One of our neighbors wasn't home...but she left candy out for the kiddos!

Daddy and Emily gazing at the Full Moon

Emily loved passing out the candy!

Emily had been fever free for 18 hours....until 6:00 p.m. tonight. She had another low grade one and seemed a little quiet until a dose of motrin. We stayed home and skipped Olivia's 11th birthday bonfire halloween party. It turned out to be okay though. Within 45 minutes of motrin, Emily acted fine and both sets of my parents stopped in to give her a special treat bag. She really didn't need anything more than that with all they had already given her but we did take her to the 4 houses on our court. She really enjoyed passing out the candy to the trick or treaters. I dont think she minded a bit staying in! Papaw Mike & Mamaw Cathy were in and out so fast..we didn't get any pics with them. They had to head down south to Olivia's with the pasta salad.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Mom and I took Emily to the ZooBoo this year. This was our first time going since the previous years it was crappy weather on the days that we could go. As you can tell the weather was very nice! Unfortunately, even though Emily is having a great time running around playing, eating her cheese popcorn, and just plain being silly....we had a different story on the way home and from that moment foward for the rest of the weekend :-(
She started not feeling well in the car and vomited all of the lovely orange popcorn everywhere in the backseat and complaining of a headache. By the time we got home she had a lowgrade fever of 100.2 and the starts of a very active productive cough. That was the beginning of a long next couple of days with a nasty little cold virus. least I can say that she had a good time at ZooBoo and so did we!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trunk or Treat

I am sooo glad that we were able to still participate in Trunk or Treat today. Daddy wasn't able to go with us because he is still under the weather but Mamaw Fleta had no problems coming with us to pass out candy at our trunk while I walked Emily around to get candy. This year Fallyn and Charlie were also there so that even made it more fun for Emily. She and Fallyn really enjoyed walking around together to get treats. This year instead of the movie inside they had alot of games, crafts, and pumpkin cookie decorating for the kids. Emily wouldn't drink the yummy sherbet punch since the guy told her it was dirty bath water (silly girl)!
Can't wait to see what they plan for next year!!
p.s. Our Princess forgot her tiara on the kitchen counter...too funny!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy 40th Birthday Donna!

Tonight was my BF Donna's 40th birthday party @ Gallaghers II on the southside. Originally Mike and I had already planned to go and had an overnight babysitter. But...after he came down with the flu...I had to go solo. That's ok! I was just glad I was able to go and celebrate with her for a few short hours. Of course, it took me almost an hour each way with the interstate being closed but it was worth suprising her since she wasn't still expecting me to show :-) Mike and I plan to do a re-do with her when the band plays up here at Moon Dog next time!

Happy Birthday Donna Faye!! Sorry I couldn't join you in a shot or two but as you know I had too far to drive!!! LOL

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pink Drink Event

Tonight was the Pink Drink Event Fundraiser that the Young Survivors Coalition was putting on Downtown for Breast Cancer. I was broken hearted to not get to attend with my cousin Angel who is battling triple negative breast cancer but today Mike was told that he had H1N1 at the doctor , so there was no way I was going to risk being around anyone taking chemo. My Mom, her sister Barbra (Angels Mom), and Angel still were able to attend and had a great time! They said they atleast tasted the pink martini for me :-)
We are praying for your Angel...and every other woman battling this disease!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fun @ Cool Creek Park

Today was another lovely Fall day to be outside. So I took Colton and Emily to Cool Creek Park to play, walk in the woods, and check out the nature center. They had a great time running around just being kids. I also packed us a healthy lunch to eat on the picnic tables. Great afternoon!