Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Emily's version of the song :-)

Emily didn't get a chance to see her Daddy on his Birthday Thursday since she was asleep when he left for work and I dropped her off at Mamaw Cathy's after nap before he got home from work so we could go to the Colt's Game and have dinner at St. Elmos downtown. So....on friday afternoon he came home for grilled sandwiches, salad, and ding dong cake for lunch and opened his gifts with her.

I had picked her up around 10 a.m. from Mamaw's and then dropped her off at Aunt Kim's today after nap to spend the night while we went to dinner at Kona Jack's and stayed at The Renaissance in Carmel. So if we wouldn't have done things this way..he wouldn't have seen her for 2 whole days. Wow...what a crazy busy week. Happy 41st Birthday Daddy...we love you!

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