Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Fallyn!!

Who wants cake??

Emily loved watching Fallyn open gifts!

Water Fun!

Getting ready to hold hands and walk away from the camera..LOL

Running and playing in the open yard...

I love this one of Fallyn...especially with that suit on!

We had a great time at Fallyn's 3rd Birthday Spray Park party! I am glad she had better weather than we have had in the past. The kids loved the yummy cake and Chick-fil-A for lunch. I was impressed at how nicely Emily sat next to Fallyn when she was opening gifts and only watched instead of "helping" her tear into them! The girls seemed more interested in running in the open land and rolling down the hill than they were interested in the water part today...oh well they had a blast anyway and did enjoy some sprinkles!

We hope you had a great time today Fallyn! Happy Birthday!!!

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