Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy 8th Anniversary to Us!!

I am not sure what he was cracking up at???LOL

Our lovely suite....Mike thought I was being a dork taking these pics...maybe I am!

We did enjoy a rented movie in the living room after dinner...Jennifer Anniston's- Management

Cheese & Wine waiting for us after we came back from dinner...too bad we were full!

Tuesday the 18th was our actual 8th Anniversary (married). My Mom watched Emily for a few hours while we went to Sapporo's in Castleton for a hibachi style dinner. We exchanged our gifts and toasted with a bottle of wine and chocolate dipped strawberries that Emily and I made earlier in the day.
Our big gift was our gift certificate for an overnight stay in a suite at The Renaissance in Carmel including a huge breakfast at Grill 39. We won this certificate lastyear at Carmel's Silent Football Auction and it was getting ready to expire. No better time to use it than our Anniversary! So our Anniversary was also extended with an extra celebration while we had dinner at Kona Jack's and used our overnight stay on Friday night. WOW.....what a long week of celebrating. Dinner out 3 times....time to start dieting again next week! I did try sushi for the first time during these excursions and loved it! Thanks hunny for the great times, roses, jewelry, etc! But most of all the non-materialistic thing.....your love!!! I LOVE YOU....Happy Anniversary!

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