Friday, August 14, 2009

Emily's First Colt's Game

Right before they were leaving.....

Daddy promised Emily several times lastyear when she asked him repeatedly if she could go to the Colts Game that her turn would happen in 2009 pre-season when she was a little older. We figured this way it was a pre-season game and if he had to leave with her big deal. So when the first one came around tonight he took her. They ate pizza and nachos, walked around the whole inside of the Stadium , and sat and watched some of the game. He said she did "pretty" good but she wont be going to any regular season games this year...maybe next year she will graduate to that. He said she just wasn't interested enough to sit thru a whole game (they were home by 10:00 and it started @ 8:00). Of course not she just turned 3! He didn't get many pics at all that turned out on his phone. He did say that she LOVED the firework experience when we got a touchdown and the roof was open that night and it was more than a little warm.....

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