Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pool Party @ Uncle Jerry's

We got together for a Down's (my Step-mom's side) Family Reunion Pool Party @ Uncle Jerry's & Aunt Paula's. We have had several illness on this side of the family in the recent 1 1/2 years and thought maybe it would be a good time to have a get-together. It was really to cold for the pool water but you know how kids are and they insisted. I didn't get many pics because I was trailing after my 3 year old around 2 pools and the Park. Emily had a blast playing with Sophia and Kalie! Glad we all got a chance to do it even if the pool was cold :-)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Indiana State Fair-Last Day

Mike and I had pretty much decided that since our kids had both already been to the Fair this year...we would just skip it since we had such a busy week anyway. But.....we just couldn't stand it when we found out that the weather was gonna be in the 70's on the last day of the Fair. we went! What a great time it was....plenty of yummy food, rides, petting the animals (and watching baby chicks hatch), pig races, hands on harvest & marketing maze, pony rides, and did I mention great weather! the Indiana State Fair!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy 8th Anniversary to Us!!

I am not sure what he was cracking up at???LOL

Our lovely suite....Mike thought I was being a dork taking these pics...maybe I am!

We did enjoy a rented movie in the living room after dinner...Jennifer Anniston's- Management

Cheese & Wine waiting for us after we came back from dinner...too bad we were full!

Tuesday the 18th was our actual 8th Anniversary (married). My Mom watched Emily for a few hours while we went to Sapporo's in Castleton for a hibachi style dinner. We exchanged our gifts and toasted with a bottle of wine and chocolate dipped strawberries that Emily and I made earlier in the day.
Our big gift was our gift certificate for an overnight stay in a suite at The Renaissance in Carmel including a huge breakfast at Grill 39. We won this certificate lastyear at Carmel's Silent Football Auction and it was getting ready to expire. No better time to use it than our Anniversary! So our Anniversary was also extended with an extra celebration while we had dinner at Kona Jack's and used our overnight stay on Friday night. WOW.....what a long week of celebrating. Dinner out 3 times....time to start dieting again next week! I did try sushi for the first time during these excursions and loved it! Thanks hunny for the great times, roses, jewelry, etc! But most of all the non-materialistic thing.....your love!!! I LOVE YOU....Happy Anniversary!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mommy's First Colt's Game @ The Stadium

Not impressive....Mike couldn't figure out the take a pic of ourselves thing...LOL

As mentioned in the previous post...we went to the Colts Game on Mike's Birthday and had dinner Downtown @ St. Elmo's. This was the first Colts game that I have been to since the new stadium. I was impressed with the location of our season tickets. I went to Carmel's State Championship Game here lastyear but wasn't sure were our seats were. It was a lovely evening to have the roof open. We enjoyed our evening out. Thanks for hanging with us Mom & Jeff! Dinner was AWESOME! My only regret is that we really didn't get any pics......

Happy Birthday Daddy

Emily's version of the song :-)

Emily didn't get a chance to see her Daddy on his Birthday Thursday since she was asleep when he left for work and I dropped her off at Mamaw Cathy's after nap before he got home from work so we could go to the Colt's Game and have dinner at St. Elmos downtown. So....on friday afternoon he came home for grilled sandwiches, salad, and ding dong cake for lunch and opened his gifts with her.

I had picked her up around 10 a.m. from Mamaw's and then dropped her off at Aunt Kim's today after nap to spend the night while we went to dinner at Kona Jack's and stayed at The Renaissance in Carmel. So if we wouldn't have done things this way..he wouldn't have seen her for 2 whole days. Wow...what a crazy busy week. Happy 41st Birthday Daddy...we love you!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Glamour Girls

Bella must know that she'll want a flat iron and Emily the curling iron...LOL

Emily doing Bella's Hair....

Bella and Emily were the only ones here today past 4:30 and Emily wanted to get her "Booty Stuff" out. Doing hair and make-up is one of the new favorite things to do around here. They enjoy doing each other just as much as doing it themselves.....They call the flat iron a fat iron. TOO CUTE!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cook-Out @ The Allens

This shot right here is why I gave up on getting pics of the adults....Thanks Matthew!

The Allen's usually host a 4th of July party every year but this year they had to cancel because of illness in the family. So they decided to go ahead and have a cook-out this month to still get everyone together. Emily always has a great time playing with Madison. We took her bike, bubbles, and they had hula hoops for the girls. She also fell in love with Marilyn's new little yorkie. We had a great time on a very hot day. Sorry not many pics because the adults weren't very camera friendly or shall I say the men.....LOL

Friday, August 14, 2009

Emily's First Colt's Game

Right before they were leaving.....

Daddy promised Emily several times lastyear when she asked him repeatedly if she could go to the Colts Game that her turn would happen in 2009 pre-season when she was a little older. We figured this way it was a pre-season game and if he had to leave with her big deal. So when the first one came around tonight he took her. They ate pizza and nachos, walked around the whole inside of the Stadium , and sat and watched some of the game. He said she did "pretty" good but she wont be going to any regular season games this year...maybe next year she will graduate to that. He said she just wasn't interested enough to sit thru a whole game (they were home by 10:00 and it started @ 8:00). Of course not she just turned 3! He didn't get many pics at all that turned out on his phone. He did say that she LOVED the firework experience when we got a touchdown and the roof was open that night and it was more than a little warm.....