Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Emily Spends the Night Away From Home!

Okay so everyone knows that Emily has only stayed away from home twice ever in her life and both times it was before she had even turned 1 years old. We had a late Wedding and my cousins 30th Birthday that resulted in her staying with Kim and Jack. But.....sometime around that time she started having night terrors and numerous ear infections that resulted in night wakings sometimes. She would also be gasping for breath on some occasions (we later found out was her very large adenoids that they took out when her tubes were put in before her 2nd birthday). Basically I just prefered for her to be home. So for 2 years she hasn't spent the night anywhere until July 6, 2009......

Kim persuaded me to let her stay the night with her 3rd cousin Lily that was also staying over. Emily really wanted to stay, so we let her. Apparently the girls had a blast swimming, watching a late night movie, etc. She sleep in her sleeping bag on Kim's bedroom floor and did great!

It was a great break for Mom & Dad and the beginning of many more times. Since then she has already stayed again in the 2 weeks course! Thanks Kim for helping us over this hurdle!

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