Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Papaw Mike

Me & the kids went by Papaw Mike's before lunch on his Birthday today so we could drop off his gift and some chocolate chip cookies that we baked this morning for him. He is going to the Jimmy Buffet Concert next week as his gift from Mamaw so we picked him up a cool shirt at Tommy Bahamas to wear. Hope you had a great day! Glad we got to see you for awhile!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The "forgotten" Splash Pad

I had almost forgot that we had this little splashpad. When we do water stuff I get out the big crazy sprinkler and the water table. But I have to say this was much more of hit. They loved it last year but I had no idea they would still like it this much at their ages...even Bella. She's not too fond of the sprinkler so I was happy to see that she also had a blast. They looked sooo cute trying to drink from the sprinklers (no sippies needed today...LOL) Our only negative is that poor Colton is "all boy" and couldn't help himself to try and use the girls as human bowling pins. He would take a running jump in and slide purposely trying to knock them down...silly boy! The more the girls squeal the more he will do it. Unfortunately, I could see an accident waiting to happen so I had to put a stop to that part.......

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Brickyard 400

Mamaw and Papaw had the RV out at the track all weekend for Papaw Jeff to host The Indianapolis Chapter PDCA meeting/ luncheon. So I got the brainstorm for my niece Stephanie to go ahead and use my race ticket and sit in the seats with her Mom and I would stay back with Emily and take a nap at the RV with her while everyone watched the race. That way the girls got to go with us and have fun even if that meant that I didn't see the race. It was okay by me because I have seen the race for many of years before Emily came along and this was a perfect situation for the girls to go out there with us that wont be there next year. We arrived around 9 a.m. and had a huge breakfast of eggs, sausages, biscuits & gravy, fruit, etc. Then after everyone came back from the race we cooked a big dinner before heading home. It was perfect because the traffic was all died down by the time we all pulled out. It was a long day....but a fun family day!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Finally get to play @ Kalie's House

Finally we were able to get the girls together and play again. It seems like it has been forever! I have been busy with babysitting, working extra at the office, camping, parties, etc this Summer. Finally , I am going to slow some things down and make sure that Emily gets enough time in August that we can be meeting up with friends. Today was still a babysitting day for me and I had Colton but he also enjoyed hanging out at Kalie's. They loved playing on her trampoline, swingset, and playing with all of her toys. After we had lunch...we headed home for a big nap! Thanks for having us Jolie! It is always nice for us to get out of the house!

Emily and her many faces....I mean hooded towels!

Emily LOVES her hooded towels. She only has 3 but you better have one clean when its time for her to take a bath!

Emily's First Sleepover @ Our House

Emily looks like she is gonna flip right off the slide!

Somewhere in between Emily's 2 overnights at Kim's we picked Lily up to stay with us a night. This was really Emily's first friend sleepover with sleeping bags in the livingroom and all. They were really excited and played well together. Lily had so much fun with Emily's toys that I could barely get her to stop and come to the table to eat her meals. The weather wasn't the best so we packed into the car and headed to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. They had a blast! Come back anytime Lily!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Emily Spends the Night Away From Home!

Okay so everyone knows that Emily has only stayed away from home twice ever in her life and both times it was before she had even turned 1 years old. We had a late Wedding and my cousins 30th Birthday that resulted in her staying with Kim and Jack. But.....sometime around that time she started having night terrors and numerous ear infections that resulted in night wakings sometimes. She would also be gasping for breath on some occasions (we later found out was her very large adenoids that they took out when her tubes were put in before her 2nd birthday). Basically I just prefered for her to be home. So for 2 years she hasn't spent the night anywhere until July 6, 2009......

Kim persuaded me to let her stay the night with her 3rd cousin Lily that was also staying over. Emily really wanted to stay, so we let her. Apparently the girls had a blast swimming, watching a late night movie, etc. She sleep in her sleeping bag on Kim's bedroom floor and did great!

It was a great break for Mom & Dad and the beginning of many more times. Since then she has already stayed again in the 2 weeks course! Thanks Kim for helping us over this hurdle!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Emily's First Time @ The Speedrome!

Look at that car it wrecked!

We have been wanting to take Emily to the Speedrome for sometime now but we were waiting for her to big enough to handle the late night. Finally, we did! She really enjoyed watching the races, eating popcorn & nachos, and just being silly in the stands. We spent MANY of Saturday nights out here when Matthew and Stephanie were little. Looking back I bet we spent 3 out of 4 of them here on many years during the Summer. We love the 3 hour figure eight race in September but I dont think she will make it for that yet. We already left at after 11:00 p.m this time and the races weren't over. It was a fun night of bringing back many fond memories for Me, Mike, Matthew, and Stephanie. I just wish they would spend a little money and fix a few things up.....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Mamaw Cathy!!

Sorry we missed you Birthday Mamaw Cathy while we were gone camping on Saturday but we really enjoyed having lunch out with you today! I hope you liked your roses and gift card......Happy Birthday! We Love You!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family Games and Messing Around the Campgrounds

On our last day/night on Saturday we hung out at the campgrounds doing fun stuff. Peddle boats, fishing, cornhole & squirt gun fights at the beach, riding around (and playing bumper golfcarts) on the 3 golfcarts we rented, playing at the park, and of course getting ice cream at the shop everynight! We even participated in a family scavenger hunt that the campgrounds had put on. We divided our family into 2 groups and my side won! We wont talk about all the cheating that went on...including our other family team! Cheater, cheaters, never win..LOL
What a blast we had...Thank you soooo very much Mom and Jeff for the trip and all the fun!