Monday, April 27, 2009

Sophia Came Over to Play

Today Mamaw Cathy surprised us with a visit. She knows that I have kids on Mondays and she just happened to find out that morning that she was going to have Sophia for a few hours. So they joined us for lunch and we played outside before then.
Emily was excited to see her cousin show up un-announced. The girls really don't get to see each other often enough but you wouldn't know it when they are together!
We hope you had fun coming over today Sophia to play with Emily and her friends...they were glad to have you!! Maybe we can see more of you this Summer!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Time to Bring the Water Table Back Out!
 was a nice enough day to fill the water table up with water! Emily has been asking almost everyday since we cleaned the table up a few weeks ago. This thing has been well worth the money to purchase it lastyear. The kids just have a blast playing it.
I worked on the porch and she played in the yard. Great Day!! Now...if she would have only took her nap today!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bounce Zone

My happy little monkey girl!

Wow..what a big slide

Daddy couldn't resist going with her....

We enjoyed a really nice day outside all day yesterday but it just wasn't the same weather today. Emily has been talking about going to a bouncy house for weeks now. Her favorite all time eposide on Jon & Kate plus 8 is the one where they take Leah to BounceU. So this morning when she was asking us to put it on..we decided to get cleaned up and surprise her by taking her to one!

Since we didn't tell her where we were going she was ecstatic when we walked in and she seen where we were. It really wasn't very busy at all compared to what I expected on a rainy day. She liked the toddler room and the big kid rooms with the huge slide. We had some pizza for lunch and watched her play a couple of hours and off we went to get her home for nap!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Cutie Pies

Today we took Bella to school for Allison. Not knowing or pre-planning their wardrobe...I swear...

They got many compliments going into school today at how cute they looked dressed alike. I have to say I think they liked all of the attention! Too funny that we had the same idea for school dress attire today! I am not totally sure that anyone really believed me when I said we hadn't planned it....Oh well, when I picked the girl up I had to try and get a few picks of them together because they are too cute!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Final Easter Celebration

With My babysitting kiddos! We had a fun Monday following Easter Sunday. Easter craft, ate lemon cookies while watching The Easter Beagle Charlie Brown, played with Emily's new Easter Playdoh kit, and our own unique egghunt. Each one of the kids brought a dozen eggs with their own surprises in them for their friends to find. Everyone went home happy with a dozen surprise treat eggs! The only thing that didn't turn out perfect was the weather. We did have to hide the eggs inside but I don't think they minded a bit! Mike was still on his vacation from his fishing trip, so it was pleasantly nice to have some help with our fun day.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Enjoying Easter With Family


The best part of any Holiday to me is spending the day with Family. We had a great time and I enjoy capturing some of it on film........

Thanks for the great day of memories Mom & Jeff!!

Egghunt and Outside Fun

Emily has already figured out that she really likes hunting eggs at Mamaw & Papaw's because they put money in the eggs. Everyone was able to find a total of 10 eggs and then they had to stop just to be fair to all of the age groups. Everyone always makes out pretty good. Emily found all $1.00 eggs except for one with $10.00. So..that was a total of $19.00 for her.
It was such a nice day that Mike brought along his and Emily's kites to fly after our yummy Ham lunch...........

Heading Out For More Easter Fun!

My lemon cookies and baked macaroni & cheese is ready we are off to My Mom and Jeff's for more Easter fun!