Thursday, October 9, 2008

Home Improvements

Finally, we have bit the bullet and are working on doing some updating around here. Two weeks ago Mike re-sealed the black top driveway and this week he tore out the ceramic tile in the entry way and layed down hard wood flooring. We also decided that since he was working on the entry it would be a good time to replace the front door and are currently looking for a new storm door that we both like. After all of this is done.......finally the much needed main bathroom will be tore out. He hopes to have this project started by next week.

Of course..along with this work he has found that he has a helper attached to his hip. Emily wants to be a part of everything he does.....including helping him putty the cracks in the hardwood floor before it was stained and sealed. I am curious to see what she might be wanting to help with in the bathroom!!! LOL

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

What a big helper you are Emily!