Friday, October 31, 2008

Goodnight All Little Ghouls & Goblins......

We decided around 9:30 it was time to retire the Minnie Mouse costume and get packed up and ready for home. We definitely got our moneys worth out of it as many times as she wore it this week. Unfortunately...Mamaw Cathy and Papaw Mike, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Brandi, and the kids didn't arrive until around 9:00 so we didn't get to spend much time with them and Emily's costume was already taken off but we have plenty of pics with her in it and we still got to see them if only for a moment! Goodnight all little ghouls and goblins...Happy Halloween From The Gambles!!!

p.s Happy Birthday Olivia!!!

Trick or Treat???

Here are some fun pics we took while out walking around. Emily walked some of the time...but she mostly wanting someone carrying her. Good thing that there were plenty of adults to help out. She did great about going up to some of the spooky houses but she did want to put her own candy in the bag. So everyone handed her a piece and she would put it in and thank them. The kids didn't seem to tire out at all from getting candy but we finally encouraged them it was time to head back and enjoy the outside party. Jason even decorated his gazebo in halloween fashion!

Gettin Ready to head out for some Halloween Fun!

This year Jason and Nikki hosted the Halloween Party for our family. We headed over around 5:30 to trick or treat in their neighborhood. Makenzie was a witch, Dallas a skeleton, Luke was the scream villian, Cameron was a ninja, Noah didn't dress up (but rode his bike around with us), and of course...Emily was Minnie Mouse. Makenzie Broaddus was spending the night with us so she dressed up in her mommy's Harley chic attire. LOL

I don't know the other kids names but they were some neighbor kids that walked around with us. So off we go before eating yummy chili and having hot dogs out by the fire...................................

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bella's Halloween Playgroup Party

We were invited to Bella's house today for her Halloween Playgroup party. Her Mommy (Allison) and some of her friends and their kids get together 2 Thursdays a month. Today it was at Bella's and they invited us( including Colton) to come over and join in the fun.

The kids had a great time. Allison had a craft table, playdoh table, and yummy food table set-up. The kiddos had mac & cheese and chicken nuggets while the mommy's had two yummy soups to choose from and a delicious salad and cupcakes for all for dessert. After lunch and playtime....they had a blast on the parachute. Of course the kids all looked adorable in their costumes. We had everything from 2 Minnie Mouses (Emily & Ella), bumblebee (Bella), giraffe (Charlie), fairy witch (Fallyn), turtle (Cole), frankenstein (Colton), ninja turtle (Wyatt), and a soccer player (Hayden).

Thanks a bunch Allison for including us today..we all had a great time. It sure beats sitting in my house with no adult conversation today. LOL

p.s. Click on the group picture and check out all the orbs in the picture! These kiddos and Mommy's sure have alot of spirts in heaven that wanted to be around for the party......Wow I have never seen so many in one place/picture!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Finished Product....

Before bed Emily wanted to put candles in the pumpkins and check out Daddy's masterpieces. Minnie Mouse, Frankenstein Goofy, and a cute Mickey Mouse carrying a pumpkin lantern under the moon. Too cute!!! Thanks Daddy!!

Annual Family Pumpkin Carving Night

Tonight we invited Kim & Stephanie over to carve pumpkins and eat dinner. We ordered pizzas, baked halloween cookies, and pumpkin seeds. They started coming over and joining us for our carving night a few years ago. We had 4 nice sized pumpkins to carve and even caught "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" on t.v.

Stephanie carved theirs and Mike did our three. We did ours in Disney theme since Emily is Minnie Mouse this year. She had a blast digging the stuff out of the pumpkins....

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Fun

Today was the day that we celebrated a little Halloween Fun at the house with my babysitting kids. They started off putting spooky stickers on their glow in the dark foam mats. When everyone was finished with that craft we immediately opened the top of a pumpkin and the kids cleaned it out. It amazed me at how eager they were with getting their little hands in the gooey pumpkin. Fallyn was the only one hesitant at first. Once she used a spoon and realized she didn't have to touch it she was just as willing.

While I cleaned up the pumpkin mess, sorted some seeds to clean, and slap on a fast 5 minute face on him, the kids got to watch a special "Dora's Halloween" dvd that Fallyn brought over to share. She was very excited to play her special movie before lunch.

It was a nice afternoon. After nap the kids were surprised to see that I baked them some Halloween pumpkin cookies and the pumpkin seeds were done. I didn't expect them to like the seeds but they gobbled them ALL up as part of their snack!! Next time I will have to bake more!

Thanks for the fun day kiddos!!! I love watching you guys do things for the first time! Bella we missed you here...but we painted your name on the pumpkin and saved you a treat bag and Elmo Halloween coloring book. We can't wait to see you at your party Thursday! XOXO

More Fun Pics from the Pumpkin Train

We all ended up taking lots of pics but here are a few of my favorite shots of my "other" family members besides Emily. LOL

It was hard staying together at the pumpkin patch but we were all able to sit together on the train. We went back to Mamaw & Papaw's for a late lunch and grilled out hamburgers for some extra visiting time. Thanks for the special family day Mom & Jeff!!!!