Saturday, April 2, 2011

Butler Bulldogs Game

Nick even joined us...

Hard to believe he is taller than his Momma

Mountain Dew Shot

Our DD drinking a virgin pina colada

Mike & Jen

A little too relaxed :)

Why I always stick my tongue out in photos...I have no idea!

Since Emily was spending the night at Kim's and Donna offered to come up and get us & bring us home..we decided to go hang out with her on the southside at one of her favorite pubs for the Butler game. Since we were down close to Mike & Jen's house we gave them a call too and lucked into them being able to come over and join us since Madison was spending the night at Grandparents. We had a really fun night! I also hadn't got a chance to see the birthday boy yet since his 21st birthday lastmonth so it was nice that he could also come up and say hi before heading out with his friends...Happy 21st Nicky Noodle :)

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