Friday, April 8, 2011

Meeting Nala

Tonight we met Matthew & Alyssa at Muldoon's in Carmel for dinner. After we had finished he wanted us to come to his apartment to meet someone. My first guess was was a puppy. I honestly wasn't surprised! I figured he would have done that by now anyway. He has always wanted his own "big" dog. My only concern is that he does live in an apartment and his dog is half boxer/ half mastiff. She is expected to be a little large. Her name is Nala and she is super cute. We wish him luck and of course will be here to help guide him with her. She will be starting puppy preschool next month at the K9 facility that I took Daisy Mae to when she was young. I think they will do a great job guiding him in making her a well behaved "big" dog :)

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