Sunday, April 24, 2011

Egghunt & Dinner at Mamaw Cathy's & Papaw Mike's

The only girls out of 13 grandkids..poor Olivia was solo till 2006

Bubbles on the patio...

Our crew except somehow Matthew ducked out and my dad decided to be a big kid..go figure!

Last stop of the day was dinner and egghunt at Mamaw Cathy's & Papaw Mike's. It did actually start drizzling rain by the time we got here but the kids didnt mind at all. They played and hunted eggs like it wasnt even happening. Mamaw Cathy has long since given up doing baskets for this crew, so if you want good candy including lots of chocolate. Then you have to find it! She also throws a few one dollar bills in some eggs and the golden egg is $5. Guess who found it?? must have been Emily's year! She was not only lucky..but really doesn't mess around. She had alot of eggs here!! No limit here..find them and they are yours! Great evening with family! Not often that all the kids are in one place anymore but it worked out that today they were :)

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