Saturday, December 25, 2010

Colts Game & Last of the Gifts

Emily made out with Olivia gifts

The "Emily & Matthew" frame we made him for his apartment

Daisy Mae enjoying the sled

Matthew, Brytnie, & Emily

Since we didnt get wrapped up lastnight at Dad & Cathy's until after 9:30....we waited till today to have Matthew come home and unwrap his gifts from us & get his stocking. The Colts were playing so we ordered pizza's and had our own last of the Christmas gifts/ Colts party with just us :)
Ordinarily he would have opened when we came home on Christmas Day (late)but since he lives in his own apartment it made more sense to have him back the next day. He spent Christmas Eve spending the night at his Mom's with her & his brother and met up with us for the rest of the family day yesterday. I feel fortunate that we have always been able to work out a plan that works best for all of us. ...and now he is carrying it all on himself after he moved out!

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