Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve

The best shrimp cocktail I have had in awhile

Donna & James

Victoria & Cheryl

He hates pics :)

Since I very rarely get to hang out with friends...I decided that this year with Emily going to Kim's for the night that we were going OUT! It has been many, many years since we rang in the New Year at a bar. Of course, we really lucked into the fact that My Dad & Cathy were going around the corner from the bar that we were at to hang out at my brother Ryan's in BeechGrove. So we had a designated driver. Good thing...but Momma wont be punishing her almost 40 year old body in that manner again anytime soon! Definately learned that I cant hang with the big dogs anymore! LOL But it was fun...until the next day :)

Happy New Years to All!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas at The Zoo

We almost didnt get the Christmas at the Zoo in this year! But finally 2 days before it closed we got an evening with 40 degree weather and headed down! It started raining so I fun didnt last too long but we were there long enough to se the Dolphin show, pet some sharks, see the penguins, and make 2 laps around to see the lights. I had to renew our membership anyway, so it wasnt a wasted trip no matter what! I Love their light display!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Colts Game & Last of the Gifts

Emily made out with Olivia gifts

The "Emily & Matthew" frame we made him for his apartment

Daisy Mae enjoying the sled

Matthew, Brytnie, & Emily

Since we didnt get wrapped up lastnight at Dad & Cathy's until after 9:30....we waited till today to have Matthew come home and unwrap his gifts from us & get his stocking. The Colts were playing so we ordered pizza's and had our own last of the Christmas gifts/ Colts party with just us :)
Ordinarily he would have opened when we came home on Christmas Day (late)but since he lives in his own apartment it made more sense to have him back the next day. He spent Christmas Eve spending the night at his Mom's with her & his brother and met up with us for the rest of the family day yesterday. I feel fortunate that we have always been able to work out a plan that works best for all of us. ...and now he is carrying it all on himself after he moved out!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Dinner

Matthew telling me not to take his pic with Luke's Ninja Turtle hat on...yeah right!

Sock Monkeys & new jammies for the girls

After dinner & presents the girls always get comfy in their new jammies

Me & My Dad

Dad & Cathy

My brother Ryan lugging around our two girls

I am afraid my camera didnt get much this Christmas. We were too busy having fun with the kids, eating, and having a few cocktails ourselves. Cathy out did herself like always making a lovely dinner & we always enjoy this being the last house for the night so we can all kick back. I couldnt imagine having 13 grandkids to shop and cook for but she & Dad get it done and everything is always nice! Thanks for everything..we love you guys too!

Christmas Brunch

The Girls...

My Grinch :)

Once again Mom & Jeff had the most amazing breakfast brunch you could ever imagine. I always make the French Toast Casserole but LOVE the biscuits & gravy, breakfast casserole, hashbrown & ham casserole, fresh pastries, and fruit, etc.....I could go on & on about the food. Besides the food it was nice to get to spend the afternoon visiting & of course a little gift giving too! My Mom always tries very hard to make sure everyone gets things they need & want and does a great job at selecting nice gifts all on her own. I always love the Brighton surprises that all of us girls get matching every year! Thanks a bunch for everything...we love you guys!!

The Stockings...

The stockings were sooo heacy that they wouldn't hold on the fireplace anymore. So Santa put them on the floor. Stockings were full of everything from candy, to lottery tickets, and giftcards to some of our favorite places like subway, steak & shake, Muldoons, & Emily even got one from Huddles (Big props to Santa for this one....she thought it was pretty darn awesome)! Of course, we all got a new ornament for this year too :)