Sunday, July 4, 2010

Zionsville Festivities

Hula Hooping with her necklace

HaHa! Ride Em Cowgirl!!

We decided to spend the evening of the 4th in Zionsville. We set-up a spot around 7:00 very close to the Gazebo to listen to the music..but yet still close enough to the football field were the fireworks would be let off. We basically just packed light snacks and drinks because we had been told to find a specific booth that was run by a nearby Tavern in the area that sets up and sells the most awesome tenderloin sandwiches. So that is what we did and we were not disappointed! We walked around and decided to avoid the huge lines selling armbands for the kids to jump on all the bounce house things and just opted to play at the park. Emily was okay with that idea!

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