Saturday, July 3, 2010

BeechGrove Fireworks!

Some were still playing cornhole during fireworks

Caroline's first fireworks!

Brandi & Missy

The boys watching from the backyard

Around 10:00 p.m. the fireworks started and their wasn't a bad seat in the house! Awesome that we could see so good from Ryan's house. Personally I found the best seats to be the front yard and steps going up to the house...and so did the small kids :)
Awesome time!! Emily and I didn't get home until around 1:00 a.m. and I am pretty sure that she was fine still playing but I had to call it a night eventually. We were also solo because Daddy was still feeling really bad with his shoulder/neck issue and a really bad headache...So Mommy had a little drive home and was tired :(

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