Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Color Me Mine


Before fired and glazed..

The finished product a week later..

As part of Emily's "bribe" to give up her bedtime binky, she was allowed to pick something special to do after we passed the first few weeks without even asking about it anymore. She chose to go to Color Me Mine to paint. Tuesdays are two for one and it just happened that Stephanie was still hanging out with us since raceday so off we went to let the girls paint! Stephanie chose a single rose vase and Emily picked out a cute crown to put her 2 favorite binkys in that can sit on her dresser for her comfortablity. Perfect piece for the occasion in my opinion. She picked pink and I added some green to her color chart (matches her bedroom theme). She did all of the painting by herself except her name. LOL This will be a piece that I will always cherish :)

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