Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Big Live ESPN Home Game....

Aunt Kim watched Emily and we took her daughter Stephanie with us and headed out around 10:00 a.m. to join the tailgating festivities in the parking lot at our school before the big game.
What a crowd this game brings in every year. It definitely helps that it is live on ESPN. We had some yummy Bub's Burgers and my first time ever having the doughnut holes (yummy Allison) and listened to the music for awhile before heading up into the stands. It was a very hot one today! Around halftime I had to get up and go downstairs to get under the shade and wash off in the bathroom with cold water. The game was very enjoyable even though Matthew only went in twice for a couple of little plays. We expected that on this game since the coach just isn't to sure about his knee just yet. He was atleast glad to be participating this year after all he went thru lastyear. FYI....Matthew is #44 standing on the sidelines in the bottom pics!
As many of you know....we won! Carmel 28- Cathedral 21........YEAH!!!!

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