Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gifts that I loved...

My favorite gifts of all are the ones from the heart too! I have to say that my hubby has also done a great job in this category. He bought a few things this year at Hallmark to do with Emily and give me. They bought and recorded an awesome Mommy & Me recordable book & recordable handprint kit of a heart that sits out. Matthew bought me a hibiscus tree for my back porch because that was something that he & his Dad started doing for me many years ago on this holiday and now that he is out on his own he remembered to even do it on his own. I also loved just finding that my daughter was drawing Mom & Emily with chalk all by herself. I guess I didn't even realize that she could write MOM without me telling her the letters. That really made my heart smile to find this on the ground! Also..loved the little mint pot that she made me in school. Not because it was the school craft but the reason she picked mint over all the other plants they offered them to use. She said she knew I loved my mint water and now I could make my own :) So as you can see..I LOVED my Mother's Day too! My Mom bracelet from Brighton really rocked but the 3 at the top are my favorite...well along with the book!

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