Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Emotional Good-Bye's

So we hung around the RV all day and then had a late flight out at 9:00 p.m. That maybe wasnt the smartest thing I had decided to do. Especially since my Mom wasn't coming home with us like she did lastyear. Emily completely had a meltdown at good-bye, I wasn't feeling that well and had a little anxiety about flying with her alone & of course not real excited to come back home to nasty weather, and my Mom was even a little emotional about us leaving. Lets just say next year I think we will come down on our own and fly back together. Opposite of what we did this time. That seemed to work out better the year before. I couldnt believe the struggles I had trying to push the stroller, carry everything, and try to deal with her kicking screaming and no shoes on! LOL Not too mention she fought security not wanting to go thru! Oh well..she finally calmed down on the plane and we skyped Mamaw the next evening :)

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