Monday, March 28, 2011

Project "PEEPS"

Got to eat atleast one...or two!

They even talked me into it!

Peeps are too cute!

The finished product

Today Bella was the only one here so we packed up and headed out for lunch and by Michael's and Walgreens for some stuff to make a Peeps Easter wreath. I have always loved those cute little things and they are actually Emily's favorites right now in the candy department. The girls loved getting out but really loved having fun with all the peeps. We even had a few extra boxes that I will make Easter cookies with later......Beautiful job Girls!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Birthday Gifts from my Hubby

Thanks honey!, balloon, and a funny hat. I have to say I was excited that along with a painful 40th birthday (turning 40 that is) I got some extra special Birthday gifts. The shoes I had been wanting to splurge on at The Walking Company and a Keurig coffee pot! I am in love with both! I have to brag on my hubby a bit because he is SUPER at the gift department. He always has been a great shopper with or without my suggestions. He also took Emily to pick me out another charm from Brighton and by Hallmark for a special recordable card :) This post is just to say....THANK YOU BUNCHES....I LOVE YOU!

My Birthday Dinner

Maple Bacon Cupcakes

After a brief break it was time to meet up with my other set of parents for dinner. I really wanted to go to Stonecreek in Zionsville for my favorite salad with blackened salmon. After a lovely dinner we went back to my house for dessert. My choice this year was Flying Cupcakes..Maple Bacon. YUM! Thanks Mom & Jeff for a great dinner and another set of awesome gifts! Love you guys!

My Birthday Lunch

My birthday treat...that went to Emily

Mamaw messing with Emily

My pic for lunch was Abuelo's! YUMMY! I also had one of my fav mexican beers since I had a designated driver..and hey your only 40 once! LOL Awesome lunch and awesome gifts including a Dolce Spa giftcard! Thanks Dad & Cathy..Love ya!

MOPS Outing- Monkey Joes

Emily & Annie

We started off my 40th Birthday "Day" at Monkey Joes with other friends from my MOPS group. I figured it was a nice way to start the! Emily was glad to play with Bella, Libby, and Annie. We stayed for about 2 houes and then headed out to meet My Dad & Step-Mom for my birthday lunch....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Sing

First Blooms in our Birthday Flower :)

Emily and Fallyn

Tonight we headed over to Emily's preschool for her Spring Sing. The kiddos were sooo cute singing the songs that they have been working on in music class. I was glad my Mom was home from Florida so she was able to go with us. We ended the evening with a late dinner at Emily's choice...Some Guys Pizza :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Flower & Patio Show

They were some hungry little fish

I want to hire that frog! LOL

Make a wish..

A Turkey at the show?

Daddy thought it would be fun to head over to the Flower & Patio Show at the Fairgrounds since it was still not very nice weather outside. We definitely felt like we walked into Spring when we got there! Very therapeutic for our winter blues!! I haven't been to this show in many years but we had such a good time looking at all the flowers. I was impressed at how many flowers Emily knew by name and loved watching her run around smelling and looking at them and of course throwing all of our loose change in the fountains! We will be going back next year!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy 17th Birthday Stephanie

Stephanie had a friend spend the night with her for dinner & a movie out in honor of her birthday. But we dropped by her house before they took off for cake and gifts. We hope you had a special 17th Birthday...we love you!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Irish Lunch & Green Beer

Green beer & green sprite

Followed with playing in Papaw's garage

We seemed to work up an appetite with all of the walking around downtown. So...we headed over to one of our favorite local restaurants for lunch that also happens to be an Irish Pub. Yep you guessed it..Dooley O' Toole's. Where they know us by our names. LOL As a matter of fact Emily was pleased to see that her favorite waitress was working already. We indulged in reuben sandwiches, green beer, and green sprite. Well the beer was mine & sprite was Emily's but you get the picture! We finished off the day hanging out at Grandpa's garage until Daddy got off work and then we did dinner out with him for our favorite green day.

The "Green" Canal

After the parade was over we headed over to the canal to see it turned green. I don't think that I have ever seen it on St. Patty's Day. I have to say I thought it was beautiful! Not too mention it was a nice day for a walk. I think we definitely got our exercise in...or atleast my Dad & I did! LOL