Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friends Ballet Recital

Amber had invited us to come and watch Fallyn's ballet dance recital & it even turned out that she had an extra ticket. So since it turned out that we didnt have any plans today after all (because we went to the track yesterday), we headed over to watch some friends dance. We were also hoping to spark Emily's interest in dance lessons since she was the only one that has never been interested. The girls all looked super cute and we were glad we were able to come...not to mention, I think Emily just may be interested now :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Heading back for some grilling @ The Track

After a fun day in the stands we decided to head over to the Museum to check it out and then go past and listen to the band that was playing for awhile too. That area looked to be getting a little kid un-friendly so we were short lived there. Emily thought it was too cool to be able to grill out by our car. She kept sayin.."Are we really allowed to do this?" LOL So we had some sausages and hot dogs on the grill and headed home for a little relaxing after a fun day!!

Pole Day

Breakfast of champions :)

Fun in the stands...

Cool toy bought at the track..

Danica of course

We have been taking Emily to the track since before she was 2 years old. She looks forward to it every year just like her brother always did (and still does). She loves packing the cooler with special treats that I usually dont buy around the donuts & strawberry milk for breakfast, etc. We had a great time in the stands watching the cars on Pole Day and had much better weather than last year. Not near as humid and the rain held off until the walk back to the car at the end of the day!!

Last Day of Senior Preschool

The "Meeting" Place after school

I cant believe another year of preschool has passed :( So....bittersweet!! The girls will all be joining each other in class next year as they will be staying to do 3 days of Transitional Kindergarten. We celebrated the last day of school with a little Huddles......

Thank You Mrs. Lisa & Mrs. Paula for your loving care and teaching this past school year!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Emily's First Spa Pedi

We headed up to Dolce today in honor of my cousin's daughter Zoe'. Her Momma's company was giving 20% of every service and product purchased today towards Zoe's Arthrits Walk. So I thought this would be a great time for Emily to get a taste of the royal treatment. Crissy was doing little girl spa pedi's for $15 and served them with grape juice and snacks. She loved it!!! Momma even went back to get a pedi too...after Daddy got home to keep Emily. Crissy had wine waiting for me :) We love you Zoe!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer Fun at Mamaw Cathy's

All of the kids have always loved thru the years watering the flowers on Mamaw's back porch. She leaves the sprinkler and plenty of watering cans out for them. Notice the one Emily & Dakota are using though was one of our previous years of Mother Day craft gifts :)

Then they went inside to play in all the old hats, scarves, and shaws that came from Aunt Debbie's house recently. Mamaw has been helping Jenny go thru her Mom's things and cleaning up the house since her unexpected passing and they thought the girls would love some of these things to play with.....and they do!

Casino Live

Ever since Matthew turned 21 he has been talking about heading up to Casino Live to check out the casino. We decided to wait and take him when the horses started racing again. That way we could do everything all in one night! My parents also joined us in this journey and it was a fun and long night! We watched all the races and headed inside for some gambling and a little dancing inside the middle bar. Lemon Wheel was playing and I found that I spent the rest of my evening right there vs. handing money straight into the slots! LOL

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Farewell Playgroup @ Taylor's

We have been really hitting and "mostly" missing playgroups this past winter. I really sometimes find the Thursday to be a hard day to not already have errands or other things that I have to do on my agenda. But we really wanted to make sure we attended the Farewell playgroup this week at The Taylor's. They are moving soon and Tiffany planned a fun afternoon with a bounce thingy and hot dogs on the grill. We are sad to see you guys go...but wish you luck on your move! Thanks for the fun day!!