Saturday, February 13, 2010

Meet Dora!! DooDooDooDoo...Dora!

Meet Dora!

Pop the balloon game...

Mommy is trying to help Emily and still couldn't pop it!

Grab a snowball

and throw it at Dora!

Snowball fight!
and a clown making balloon art & face paintings!

We weren't real sure how Emily was going to do at this Party with Dora coming as a surprise to Madison...but I think since we told her ahead of time and let her choose if she wanted to go or not that made a huge difference for her. She is still very afraid of characters but after the initial shock of her coming into the room (and lets face it people...she was huge and I can see why some kids are afraid!) she ended up surprising us and doing pretty well all in all! She played a few of the games but sat out of most of the dancing and musical chairs. She seemed a bit overwhelmed or intimidated in some things but not in others. Dora was even followed up by a clown that did face painting and balloons.We were very proud of our girl today fighting one of her fears and still trying to enjoy one of her favorite characters! It was a fun party for all of the kids and we hope you had an awesome birthday Madison! You have special parents to get Dora at your party.

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

What a little girls dream party! WOW!