Sunday, February 21, 2010

Easy Bake Oven- "Baking"

Time to put it in....

Emily recieved a Bratz Easy Bake Oven from my best friend for Christmas and we decided to go ahead and try it out today. She made a brownie and seemed to enjoy herself but was a little bored with just mixing some water in a very small round pan. I think we do too much baking on our own and this just wasn't challenging enough :-) Thank you Donna for the gift and we will try some more recipes as she gets older!

We have been in all weekend because Emily has a TERRIBLE cough. She appears to feel fine but it seemed a little abnormal. We did take her to a Take Care Clinic this evening and she has bronchitis but like I said you wouldn't know it except for the cough and the starts of a stuffy nose.

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